Saturday, September 26, 2015

Painted Door

Hello Dearies!
 Hope you are all having a great week. Let me start by updating you all on our house. Our plumbing (done by my dad) is the only thing that hasn’t had any updates. He’s a busy truck driver and farmer and with harvest going on, I really have no idea when he’ll finally get over to the house and hook things up for us. That being said, We were very productive this past weekend and the rest of the house will most likely be done NEXT WEEK!!! I’m so excited! We’ll still be stuck in the old house until the plumbing gets hooked up but at least we’ll be able to start moving most of our stuff in. Ok so for todays project, I did another awesome thing this weekend. One of my favorites… And now I’m just realizing that I refer to a lot of these projects as my favorites. Haha! I can’t help it. I’m getting my dream home and my excitement is off the charts :) So I painted my door. My favorite Aunt (she knows it!) has always painted her front door a fun color. I always wanted to do it but my hubby was never on board with the idea. The other day, out of the blue, he asks me what color I’m painting the door. I didn’t remind me that he hated the idea, I just told him I needed to shop for colors. And then I did! I picked out an amazing orange! I’m so in love. Everytime I open my screen door (which is plain white) and the orange pours out at me, I just get so giddy! Ok so for the details. The was not an easy slap on the paint job like my awesome yellow chairs, this took some prep work. For this project I used *Screw Driver *Wood Filler *Sand Paper *Painters Tape *Razor blade * Paint. Since this door is my front door I used an outdoor paint. First, I uninstalled the blinds from the window. If your door has no blinds, you won’t need the screw driver. Then I gave my old door a good washing. It was super dirty.
 This door is really really old, and has a lot of wear to it, so I had to use wood filler to patch a whole lot of little holes and scratches. After the filler dried, I sanded and sanded and then sanded some more. Haha!
 Then I taped up the windows. This part was the worst. You’d think since the windows were all straight line and the tape is a straight line that it would go together really smoothly. You’d be wrong, This was a giant pain in the bootie! But worth the hard work because it looks great now.
 A smart person would remove the door from it’s hinges at this point but I was all alone and the old door was crazy heavy so I left it all hooked up. I probably should have taped up the hinges too but after taping up the windows, I though “screw it, I’ll just be careful.” And I was. And it turned out just fine. Haha!
 The first coat was a bit streaky so I did a second.
 Wait until the paint dries to remove the window tape. Use the razorblade to cut the tape out. If you just rip the tape off, you could rip out a lot of paint with it. It took two coats of my pretty orange to cover the door. AND I have lots of paint left over so I can paint something else orange too :)
 Please ignore the horrible floor. My living room is the only floor in the house I haven't done yet. I've decided to do it last because the boys are messy and I don't need them ruining my new floor while they are building the banister and framing out the windows. It will be pretty when we move in! Feel free to ask me any questions at all and as always, I’d love to see your projects! Please share a link in the comments below or tag me on instagram @images_by_jessie or on twitter @imagesbyjessie

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