Friday, October 31, 2014

Belly Laughs

This body painting is a throw back to this summer when I was still preggers. It's not something that I have ever done before so I apologize for the quality. It turns out that painting your own belly (especially when you can't even see the bottom half of it) is like really really hard. And in all honesty never something I would normally do. One of my twitter friends was doing a scavenger hunt and asked if I would help her out with a pregnant belly painting. I have huge stretch marks and I was already a good sized chunk before I got pregnant so I really thought I would be embarrassed to share my belly with the world but this was actually fun. Oh and I put on my Homer shirt because I wanted to be all match-ie. It was not my intent to make my boobs look like giant eyeballs. That just sorta happened :)
Marge Belly 2

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